Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Possible Exciting News.................

Ok Here I am using free internet in Melbourne airport.

There is some big news for me as there is a good  rumour here its been snowing in hoBart.

At least Mt Wellington has definitely had some snow, so for the photographers it should be
shooting fish in a barrel to get a good photo of Mt Wellington.

The other side of the coin is none of these rumours have been verified (about the snow)

So it could be all fake. I am resisting the temptation to check on the internet (here at melbourne) and will hopefully get a birds eye view from the plane to hobart if I get the right seat :)

On the way over here (from perth to melbourne ) there was hardly any passengers so I could have easily whipped out the camera.

Thanks for reading :)


ps thanks to brenda for getting up at 3.00am to be a taxi driver

pps rumoured to also be 10 degrees in hobart


  1. I hope you get your wish and there is snow in Hobart - even though that will mean it's pretty cold - but 10 is cold anyway, might as well add snow to the mix. Take some great photos!

  2. Hope you have a great time in Tasmania,,looking and taking photos. Have fun.
